Minor UXD Mastertest Selina Vanderstalle, 500859459 25-1-23


This is my product biography for the mastertest. The case I’ve been assigned to is: disability and intimacy. In this product biography I will record all the steps I’ve taken throughout this project.


People with disabilities often have a hard time discussing the subject of intimacy. A lot of times this has to do with a combination of societal norms and low self worth. Because their bodies are different people can get put off, which makes it difficult for people with disabilities to form relationships. To the point that people with disabilities can get the idea that they will only be able to find a match with someone who also has a handicap. This will often result in low self worth: they will start to believe that dating and intimacy is just not for them, despite their own needs.

Of course these things are not true. People are people despite their disabilities and everyone has their own needs and preferences, but it’s a difficult to realise that own your own and to start a journey to find out about those kinds of things. If sex and intimacy are somewhat taboo normally, then sex and intimacy when you have a disability are especially taboo.

The assignment is to create a save environment for, but not exclusive to people with disabilities, where they can share their stories and can find out they’re not alone.

The deliverables for this project are:


| Week 1 (5 Dec. - 11 Dec.) | briefing + debriefing Attent briefing, write debrief, planning. | | --- | --- | | Week 2 (12 Dec. - 18 Dec.) | Framing Formulate the design challenge + sub questions and methods. | | Week 3 (19 Dec. - 25 Dec.) | Ideation Frame the problem, user research, start ideation. | | Christmas break (26 Dec - 8 Jan.) | | | Week 4 (9 Jan. - 15 Jan.) | Concept Lo-Fi sketches and additional research. | | Week 5 (16 Jan. - 22 Jan.) | Detailing Iterate, Hi-fi sketches, prototype. | | Week 6 (23 Jan. - 29 Jan.) | Presenting Create product video, presentation and hand in documents. |

Design Challenge